Are you able to read studies remotely for our imaging center?
Yes. We have a robust IT department that can connect with any imaging center, hospital, or clinic in the world, and provide professional preliminary or finalized reports. The only requirement is that the sending entity be able to send DICOM format files to us via a secure network. We can help with setting this up for any entity. Contact us for more information.
Are your radiologists all board certified and fellowship trained?
Yes. All of our radiologists are board certified, sub-specialized, and fellowship trained. We are happy to provide references and CV’s for any of our radiologists.
Are you able to provide on site coverage for our imaging center or hospital?
Yes. Please contact us to discuss logistics and our unique business model for coverage. We enjoy the challenge of tailoring a win-win model for every unique opportunity.
Do you also provide technologist coverage?
Unfortunately we are a radiologist only company. We do not have access to radiology technologists for support.
Do you have licenses in other states?
Currently, all of our radiologists are licensed in California. We can obtain other state licenses if needed.
Do you have experience covering medium or large hospitals?
All of our radiologists were trained at universities and large medical centers. We have covered numerous small, medium, and large sized hospitals with bed counts ranging from 10 to 500. We sit on the medical executive committee at all larger hospitals, volunteer our time with numerous hospital committees, and provide radiation safety officer roles at many sites. Our goal is improved quality, efficiency, and patient experience scores at all of our partner hospitals and imaging centers. Contact us today to discuss how we can add value to your institution.